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About our committee

What is a Precinct Committeeman/Committeewoman?

A precinct committeeman is an elected position. The typical requirements are that you are a registered voter in the precinct for which you want to be a committeeman, you request a committeeman form from the precinct chairman, return the completed form, and then you are voted on for the position. Often these positions are uncontested. If you are applying when an upcoming election is not scheduled, you may be appointed to the position (within certain parameters).

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Our Platform

It is important that not only precinct committee members adhere to the Republican Platform, but ALL elected Republicans! If the Party chooses not to follow their own platform then what does the Party stand for? The Platform and Resolutions are what defines us as Republicans in Geary County.




Responsibilities of a Precinct Committeeman

  • Get Out The Vote (GOTV)

  • Distribute Campaign Literature

  • Attend Unit Meetings

  • Assist in Voter Registration

  • Help Elect Republican Candidates

  • Provide Voter Education

  • Vote for Precinct Committee Positions

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